Venezuelan Migrants in Mexico Protest New US Border Policy Venezuelan migrants hoping to enter the United States from Mexico protested over the weekend a new U.S. program granting legal entry to 24,000 people from the crisis-wracked country while deporting all those who cross the southern border illegally, Agence France-Presse reports . [15][16] Link Consultants director scar Hernndez said that causes for emigration include economic issues, although insecurity and legal uncertainties are the main reasons. The website (Spanish: "I want to go") was created by a former public-affairs employee of PDVSA who moved to Canada, and quickly became popular among Venezuelan emigrants. [36] Many refugees travel by foot for thousands of miles due to their inability to afford other travel methods, trekking over mountain ranges, walking distances on highways towing suitcases, hitchhiking when able and fording rivers to escape the crisis. [97] In September 2018, President Maduro said that his countrymen had been victims of a hate campaign, and that in Peru they had only found racism, contempt, economic persecution and slavery.
Jamaica Observer [139] Venezuelans also cross into northern Brazil, where UNHCR has set up 10 shelters to house thousands of Venezuelans. [79] By the end of 2018, this rate would rise to 1.35 million percent. WebExpand your Outlook. [62][63][64][65] There has also been a rise in extrajudicial executions in which the government force called Special Action Forces (FAES) carried out executions under the guise of security operations. SVCO estimated that 445 protests occurred in January; 2,248 in WebHauser Global Law School Program, New York University School of Law 40 Washington Square South, New York, New York 10012-1099 Telephone: (212) 998-6691, Facsimile: (212) 995- WebThe Venezuelan economy shrank 5.8% in the first three months of 2010 compared to the same period of 2009 and had the highest inflation rate in Latin America at 30.5%. Put yourself in the shoes of a refugee or migrant from Venezuela. WebThe Venezuelan migration and refugee crisis, the largest recorded refugee crisis in the Americas, refers to the emigration of millions of Venezuelans from their native country during the presidencies of Hugo Chvez and Nicols Maduro because of the Bolivarian Revolution. [206] As of 2019, the number of Venezuelans in Spain exceeds 300,000 people, implying a mass arrival in the 20182019 period. We focus on the people, the common citizen, stories untold by traditonal media. Musicians have emigrated to places receptive to their style of music. [10] The resulting refugee crisis has been compared to those faced by Cuban exiles, Syrian refugees and those affected by the European migrant crisis. [141] By February 2021 the cost for a family to be crossed from Bolivia into Chile was between US$200 and US$500. [82], The percentage of Venezuelans who said that they had family abroad increased from 10 percent in 2004 to nearly 30 percent in 2014. Venezuelans in Ecuador have been relatively well-organized, forming humanitarian associations and engaging with the media to shape popular perceptions of this population among Ecuadorians. [87] About 240 professors left USB between 2009 and 2014,[86][87] with an additional 430 faculty members leaving from 2015 to 2017.
Persecution of Hindus Federal agents shot pepper balls at Venezuelan migrants who were protesting along the Rio Grande River International Boundary near downtown El Paso, Texas, on Monday after an agent was injured, [200] In April 2021, another boat with 29 people shipwrecked during a trip to Trinidad and Tobago; 12 people were rescued, 10 died and 7 were declared missing. Two Venezuelans receive medical attention in northern Santander, Colombia. Several media outlets and human rights organizations have reported poor conditions, including overcrowding of cells, violence from the guards, and lack of basic hygiene products for Venezuelan migrants in detention. Test your intuition of international trade data with the OEC's new daily trivia game -- Tradle! [161][172], An 2021 report by Chile's National Institute of Statistics estimates that by December 2020 about 448.800 Venezuelans live in the country, or 30.7 percent of Chile's immigrant population. The RMRP 2022 brings together 192 appealing organizations including 23 refugee- and migrant-led Over 15,000 Venezuelans emigrated to Argentina from 2004 to 2014, of whom 4,781 have obtained permanent residency. [152], The largest community of Venezuelans in the United States lives in South Florida. [15], Academics and business leaders have said that emigration from Venezuela increased significantly during the final years of Chvez's presidency and during the presidency of Nicols Maduro. The RMRP was rst developed in 2018 as a strategic regional response plan and advocacy tool to support country and sub-regional operations and to ensure the most pressing humanitarian, protection and integration needs of refugees and migrants from Venezuela, as well as those of host communities, were met. [164] Colombia's oil industry has benefited from skilled Venezuelan immigrants, although the country began deporting unauthorized immigrants in late 2016. 2022 Interagency Participatory Assessment - Trinidad & Tobago.
United States Department of State Venezuelan [164] On August 12, 2016, the Venezuelan government officially reopened the border; thousands of Venezuelans again entered Colombia to escape the Venezuelan crisis. The United States recognizes this extension of passport validity for visa issuance and other consular purposes. The RMRP 2022 brings together an unprecedented 192 appealing organizations (compared to 159 in 2021) including 117 NGOs and 23 refugee- and migrant-led Venezuelan diaspora and civil society organizations, requesting a total of USD 1.79 billion to carry out 11,829 activities in 17 countries (Argentina, Aruba, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay) to assist some 3.81 million refugees, migrants and members of host communities. [91], The Venezuelan Community Abroad: A New Method of Exile study reported that over 90 percent of Venezuela's more than 1.5 million emigrants were college graduates; 40 percent had a master's degree, and 12 percent had doctorates or post-doctorate degrees. [158], On August 7, 2018, the regional government requested that the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil close the border, and later that day the Supreme Federal Court denied the request on constitutional grounds.[159][160]. [29][30], As of January 2021, governments of 10 countries (mostly in Latin America and Caribbean) have introduced special visa requirements for Venezuelan citizens seeking to enter these countries. The visa restrictions are temporary due to the, The Colombian government announces that babies born to Venezuelan refugees will be granted, This page was last edited on 6 November 2022, at 07:19. Campaigns March 2, 2011 Trinidad and Tobago: Further information: Execution bill defeated. [46] According to the Colombian government, more than 100,000 Venezuelans emigrated to Colombia in the first half of 2017. [144][155], Venezuelans emigrating to Argentina face several obstacles, such as the cost of plane fare, due to the distance between the countries compared to that of the neighboring Colombia and Brazil.
Economy of Venezuela [190] Venezuelans have historically emigrated, both legally and illegally, to Trinidad and Tobago due to the country's relatively-stable economy, access to United States dollars, and close proximity to eastern Venezuela. [226], The Brookings Institution and David Smolansky, Organization of American States commissioner for the Venezuelan refugee crisis, have estimated that the crisis is the current most underfunded refugee crisis in modern history.
Politics Venezuelan refugees [73][74][75][76][77], According to a 2018 Gallup analysis, "[g]overnment decisions have led to a domino-effect crisis that continues to worsen, leaving residents unable to afford basic necessities such as food and housing", with Venezuelans "believ[ing] they can find better lives elsewhere". [141] Migrants have been accused by the alcalde of Colchane and local residents of acting violently by forcing themselves into inhabited houses of Colchane, engaging in theft and occupying public spaces.[141][142].
The Observatory of Economic Complexity | OEC ", "Venezuelan government bars self-declared interim president from public office for 15 years", "Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido barred from holding public office for 15 years, government says", "Guaid says opposition overestimated military support for uprising", "Venezuela's Leopoldo Lopez says he met generals during house arrest", "The Venezuelan Refugee Crisis Is Not Just a Regional Problem", "La emigracin venezolana a diferencia de otras "se va con un diploma bajo el brazo", "Three phases of homicidal violence in Venezuela", "Venezuelan beauty queen gets carjacked at gunpoint", "Venezuela Ranks World's Second In Homicides: Report", "SeguridadPblicayPrivada VenezuelayBolivia", "Venezuela: Gravsima Crisis de Seguridad Pblica by Lexys Rendon", "Segn el Cicpc el 2011 cerr con 1.150 secuestros en todo el pas Sucesos", "Understanding the Venezuelan Refugee Crisis", "Venezuela murder rate dips, partly due to migration: monitoring group", "Venezuela, otra vez el pas ms peligroso de Amrica Latina: registr 16.506 muertes violentas en 2019", "Venezuela's currency: The not-so-strong bolvar", "Why are Venezuelans posting pictures of empty shelves? *Figures for refugees and migrants in-transit to other countries are not included in the totals on the left as they can be by denition recipients of services in more than one country. Food production has also decreased by 60% between 2014 and 2018, the agricultural sectors has been weakened by both the Chavez and Maduro administrations, and food imports decreased by 70% between 2014 and 2016.
Home | R4V 2022 Interagency Participatory Assessment - Trinidad & Tobago. The nine sectors of the RMRP 2022 response include Education, Food Security, Health, Humanitarian Transportation, Integration, Nutrition, Protection (and its three sub-sectors of Child Protection, GBV and Human Trafficking and Smuggling), Shelter and WASH. Cash-and-voucher assistance (CVA) is a key modality of the response, which also includes capacity-strengthening with national and local authorities, and various types of in-kind support provided directly to refugees and migrants from Venezuela and vulnerable host communities. [183] By mid-2018,[184] over 400,000 Venezuelans had emigrated to Peru. [61], In 2018, there were an estimated 81.4 deaths per 100,000 people, which makes this the highest rate in Latin America. Ecuador remains committed to assisting the social and economic integration of Venezuelan refugees in response to the political and humanitarian crises in Venezuela. This low resource impoverished setting was the perfect breeding ground for the rise of diseases such as measles, diphtheria, tuberculosis, and malaria. WHO/PAHO/Karen Gonzlez. [140] This route is chose since the more direct, and less harsh route across the ChilePeru border is better guarded. RMRP 2022 Brazil Two pagers [ENG][ESP][POR], RMRP 2022 Central America & Mexico Two pagers [ENG][ESP], ABV Association of Good with Life ACAPS Accin y Desarrollo ACTED Action against Hunger ActionAid Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Alas de Colibr Foundation Alianza por la Solidaridad Alianza por Venezuela Americares Foundation Argentine Commission for Refugees and Migrants (CAREF) Asociacin Aves Asociacin de Jubilados y Pensionados Venezolanos en Argentina Asociacin de Venezolanos en Eloy Alfaro Asociacin Fundacin contra el Hambre Per Asociacin Migrantes Venezolanos Asociacin Misioneros de San Carlos Scalabrinianos Asociacion Proteccion Poblacion Vulnerable Asociacin Quinta Ola Asociacin Salto ngel Asociacin Venezuela en Ecuador AC ASOVENAR Associao Hermanitos AVSI Foundation Bethany Christian Services Blumont Capellana de migrantes venezolanos de la dicesis de Lurn CARE Caritas Brazil Caritas Ecuador Caritas Germany Caritas Manaus Caritas Parana Caritas Peru Caritas Rio de Janeiro Caritas So Paulo Caritas Switzerland CCEFIRO Association CEDRO Center for Integrated Studies and Programs for Sustainable Development (CIEDS) Center for Migration and Human Rights of the Diocese of Roraima (CMDH) Centro de Atencion Psicosocial (CAPS) CESAL CESVI-Cooperazione e Sviluppo ChildFund International CHS Alternativo Churn Mer Association Coalicin por Venezuela Colonia Foundation of Venezuelans in the Dominican Republic (FUNCOVERD) COLVENZ Compassiva Consejo Interreligioso del Per Religiones por la Paz COOPI International Cooperation Foundation Corporacin Colectivo Sin Fronteras CRISFE Foundation Cuso International Danielles Children Fund (DCF) Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Development Support Association APOYAR Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe Dilogo Diverso Doctors of the World Dominican Institute for Integrated Development, Duendes y ngeles Vinotinto Repblica Dominicana Encuentros SJS (Servicio Jesuita de la Solidaridad) Ending Violence Against Migrants Equidad Foundation Equilibrium CenDE Facultad de Psicologa Universidad de la Repblica (UDELAR) First International Emergency and Solidarits International Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio Foro Salud Callao Foundation for the Integration and Development of Latin America (FIDAL) Foundation of the Americas (FUDELA) Fraternity Without Borders Fundacin Brisas del Norte Fundacin Colombovenezolana Nueva Ilusin Fundacin Nakamas Fundacin RadaBer Fundacin Scalabrini Bolivia Fundacion Social Vivan los Nios FUNVEAC German Development Cooperation Agency GIZ Globalizate Radio GOAL Hal Bienestar Humano Foundation (HALU) Heartland Alliance International (HAI) HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation HIAS Human Rights Defence Curaao Humanity & Inclusion Humans Analytic Idas y Vueltas Association iMMAP IMPACT Initiatives (REACH) Inmigrante Feliz Association Institute for Migration and Human Rights (IMDH) Institute of Natural and Cultural Heritage (IPANC) International Committee for the Development of People (CISP) International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) International Labour Organization (ILO) International Medical Corps International Organization for Migration (IOM) International Rescue Committee (IRC) INTERSOS Jesuit Migrant Service (JMS) Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Jesuit Service for Migrants and Refugees (JSMR) Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Kimirina Coorporation La Casita Hispanic Cultural Centre Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS) LGBT+ Movement Brazil Living Water Community (LWC) LLANOVENCOL Lutheran World Federation Lutheran World Relief Malteser International Mana Institute Manos Veneguayas Association Ms Igualdad Per MedGlobal Medical Teams International Mercy Corps Migrant Service Center (CAM) Migrants, Refugees and Argentine Social Entrepreneurs (MIRARES) Mision Scalabriniana Ecuador, Misso Paz Museu A CASA Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) ONG Migrantes por el Maule ONG Preemptive Love Coalition Colombia Organizacin Transfomando Vidas Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) OXFAM Panamerican Development Foundation Panamerican Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Pastoral of Human Mobility Peruvian Episcopal Conference Pastoral Service for Migrants National Permanent Human Rights defense Committee (CDH) Pirilampos Institute Group of visits and voluntary actions in Roraima Plan International Population Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of the Republic Profamilia Association Red con Migrantes y Refugiados Red Cross Colombia Red Cross Ecuador Red Cross Peru Red de Investigaciones en Derechos Humanos CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas y Tcnicas) RET International Sal pa Tur Foundation Salvation Army Samaritans Purse Save the Children International (SCI) Scalabrini Foundation Chile Seccin Peruana de Amnista Internacional Servio Pastoral dos Migrantes do Nordeste Sesame Workshop Si, Da Vida Solidarity and Action Asociation SOS Childrens Villages Tarabita Foundation Tearfund TECHO Terranueva Foundation Terre des Hommes Suisse The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid (IsraAID) Unin Venezolana en Per United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWOMEN) United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat) Vale da Beno Educational and Charitable Association (AEBVB) VenAruba Solidaria Venex Curacao Foundation Venezolanos en Barranquilla Venezolanos en San Cristbal Venezuelan Emigrant Foundation (FEV) Vicara de Pastoral Social Caritas Voices GY We World GVC World Council of Credit Unions World Food Programme (WFP) World Vision ZOA, Visit our Twitter account @Plataforma_R4V. [138] Alba Pereira, who helps feed and clothe about 800 walkers daily in Northern Colombia, said in 2019 she is seeing more sick, elderly and pregnant among the walkers. The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened pre-existing inequalities and increased the vulnerability of refugees and migrants. [177] Mexico granted 975 Venezuelans permanent identification cards in the first five months of 2014, double the number of ID cards issued in 2013. Emigration of millions of Venezuelans during the Bolivarian Revolution, 2017 constitutional crisis and Constituent Assembly elections, Col. Edvaldo Amara, Roraima civil-defense chief. [218][unreliable source] In 2020, the conference gathered 2.79 billion US dollars. [32], Before October 2022, Venezuelans seeking asylum could enter the United States through land borders, and could reside in the United States while their cases are being assessed. [41] In the week before the deadline, about 50,000 Venezuelans scrambled to enter Peru while they had the opportunity. All activities and partners of the RMRP 2022 are searchable in the RMRP Activity Explorer. Forced displacement due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order. This is an inter-agency operational website hosted and maintained by the Regional Inter-Agency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela, co-led by IOM and UNHCR. Illegal routes also exist between Venezuela's east coast and the Gulf of Paria. Population flows in Latin America & the Caribbean, Key figures By national and sub-regional platform. [131] In "La Chama", a Panamanian hit song by Mr. Saik, the singer mocks a Venezuelan woman that resorts to prostitution; the singer received death threats from aggrieved migrants. [98] In a 2019 vulnerability study for migrants to Central America and the Caribbean, IOM found that 4% of respondents in the study were pregnant women, 32% of females said that they were affected by discrimination and 5% of these women were pregnant, 58% of females reported lack of healthcare access and 57% of males did, and 65% of respondents travel alone vs 35% travel in a group. [151] In 2015, it was estimated that about 260,000 Venezuelans had emigrated to the United States. The number was a significant increase from 150 in February 2016, and 985 in February 2017. In 2014, the United Nations attributed crime to the poor political and economic environment in the countrywhich, at the time, had the second highest murder rate in the world. [120] President-elect Gabriel Boric condemned the aggression against police and Interior Minister Rodrigo Delgado announced the four will be expelled from Chile whatever the result of the trial may result in. Opportunities for Venezuelans are limited in the United States, however, with physicians often becoming medical assistants or working in non-medical fields. Since international travel by air is difficult (especially due to the value of the Venezuelan bolvar), many Venezuelans must travel overland through dangerous terrain to reach Chile. WebCrime in Venezuela is widespread, with violent crimes such as murder and kidnapping increasing annually. The program was implemented in Peru and other in other South American countries such as Ecuador and Chile. General estimates have been made that capture the scale of the migration. [135] Migrants experience both physical and psychological symptoms from their traumas which are caused by violence in Venezuela, leaving relatives behind, and adapting to the culture of their host countries. In 2018, the Bolivarian government introduced the "Back to the homeland plan" (Spanish: Plan Vuelta a la Patria) that offers the payment of tickets to Venezuelan migrants who want to return to their country. Visit the U.S. Department of State Archive Websites page.
Venezuelan [36], Additional waves of emigration occurred following the 2002 Venezuelan coup d'tat attempt[37] and after the Chvez's re-election in 2006. [227] According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, the introduction of visa requirements could cause Venezuelans in resorting to people-smugglers and human traffickers for illegal entry. Afro-Venezuelans are mostly descendants of enslaved Africans brought to the Western Hemisphere during the Atlantic slave trade.This [162] Assistance provided by Colombia to Venezuelans ranges from emergency room visits to public education for children; all provided by the Colombian government for free. WebHolders of a refugee or stateless person travel document issued by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, or in accordance with the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, refugee travel document or certificate of identity issued by Canada, advance parole travel document or refugee travel document issued by the United States (Form I-571). ", "In shortages-hit Venezuela, lining up becomes a profession", "Exclusive: Harrowing Video Shows Starving Venezuelans Eating Garbage, Looting", "As hunger mounts, Venezuelans turn to trash for food", "Mangoes fill the gaps in Venezuela's food crisis", "Four in 10 Venezuelans Would Leave Venezuela Behind", "Looking Into the Black Box of Venezuela's Economy", "Maduro starts new Venezuela term by accusing US of imperialist 'world war', "New victims of oppression seeking help at Miami center come from Venezuela", "How Hugo Chvez Blew Up Venezuela's Oil Patch", "Desercin escolar se ubica en 58% en todo el pas", "Desercin escolar alcanza el 58% en todo el pas", "Poor conditions blamed for Venezuelan scientist exodus", "Professors Flee, Higher Education Suffers in Venezuela", "Amid mass exodus, Venezuela is losing its teachers", "Capacity building: Architects of South American science", "Licestas pasan de grado sin cursar varias materias", "Los profesores estn abandonando la Universidad Simn Bolvar", "Venezuela's oil diaspora Brain haemorrhage", "Ms de 50 mil ingenieros y arquitectos venezolanos han migrado en los ltimos 6 aos", "Len Natera: Ms de 13 mil mdicos se han ido del pas", "Los mdicos se unen al xodo, ms de 22,000 ya han huido de Venezuela", "Venezuela's Emigration Wave Takes Toll on Mental Health", "Angry Venezuelans tell Maduro they'd rather clean America's toilets than stay in their country", "Venezuela's Poor Neighbors Flee en Masse Years After Arrival", "In Venezuela, remarks like 'Hitler didn't finish the job' are routine", "Jewish community in Venezuela shrinks by half", "Jewish leaders condemn police raid on community center in Venezuela", "ADL Denounces Anti-Semitic Graffiti Sprayed on Synagogue in Venezuela", "Dispora venezolana en el mundo ahora cuenta con su propia radio", "Mauro Medina: "Venezolanos de mal vivir se cuelan por la frontera", "Un colador: Maduro facilita emigracin de criminales venezolanos", "Captura de megabanda de Venezuela en Per es mala seal para la regin", "Asalto al Jockey Plaza: lder de la banda fug del pas", "Tiroteo en Jockey Plaza: destacan valenta de policas heridos", "SMP: capturan a venezolanos que balearon a un polica", "Ordenan prisin preventiva a banda del "Tren de Aragua" capturada en Per", "Detienen cinco venezolanos que intentaban robar un banco en Lima, Per", "HK tourists safe after armed robbers raid luxury Peru resort", "PERU HORROR: One person killed in luxury tourist hotel robbery 53 tourists flee", "En prisin preventiva quedan los 4 venezolanos acusados de agredir a carabineros en Iquique", "Presidente electo: agresin a carabineros en Iquique "fue inaceptable", "Gobierno anuncia expulsin de migrantes detenidos por agresin a carabineros en Iquique", "La Organizacin Internacional para las Migraciones advirti que los venezolanos pueden ser vctimas de discriminacin, trata y prostitucin forzada", "Venezuelans, Go Home: Xenophobia Haunts Refugees",,, "Residents of Brazil Border Town Attack Camps for Venezuelan Migrants", "Tense calm on Brazil-Venezuelan border after anti-immigrant riot", "Corren a venezolanos en la frontera con Brasil por la muerte de un comerciante", "Brasileos expulsaron a venezolanos de refugio en Paracaima", "Venezuelans sell sex in Colombia to survive", "The Venezuelan women selling their bodies to survive", "Polio returns to Venezuela, and threatens the region", "Venezuelan migrants to get regional vaccination cards under", "Migrantes venezolanos llegan con estrs postraumtico a su pas de destino", "Depresin y ansiedad estn afectando a migrantes venezolanos en Per", "A Staggering Exodus: Millions of Venezuelans Are Leaving the Country, on Foot", "Chronicles of a Venezuelan exodus: More families fell the crisis on foot every day", "Centenares de venezolanos cruzan de Bolivia a Chile pese a amenazas de deportacin", "Una crisis humanitaria desborda a pequeos pueblos del norte de Chile por la masiva llegada de migrantes venezolanos", "Alcalde de Colchane por crisis migratoria: "Estn ingresando personas con actitud reprochable, invadiendo casas y agrediendo personas", "Masivo xodo de venezolanos hacia Argentina: en dos aos se quintuplicaron las solicitudes de residencia", "Trinidad Express Newspapers: News | 14,000 Venezuelans flock to T&T", "Cada vez ms venezolanos quieren vivir en Colombia", "Driven by unrest and violence, Venezuelans are fleeing their country by the thousands", "2004 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics", "2009 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics", "Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2013", "The Hispanic Population: 2010, 2010 Census Briefs", "The Venezuelan migrant crisis and the U.S. response, explained", "Florida Congressional Representatives Want to Extend Venezuelans Exiles Stays", "Argentina se vuelve destino clave para la emigracin venezolana", "Cada semana 600 venezolanos emigran a Argentina en busca de oportunidades", "Embarazada de 8 meses viaj 11 dias en colectivo para tener a su beb en Argentina", "Maduro fecha fronteira com Brasil e Colmbia at 2017", "Ochocientos venezolanos huyen a Brasil cada da revela la Agencia ONU para Refugiados", "Brazil Supreme Court reopens Venezuela border", "Brazil re-opens border to Venezuelan migrants hours after judge closed it", "The Venezuelan refugee crisis: Challenges and solutions", "Colombia offers work permits to hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan migrants", "Venezuelans cross into Colombia after border is reopened", "Large Venezuelan Migration Sparks Xenophobic Backlash In Colombia", "Colombia will legalize undocumented Venezuelan migrants", "Venezuela Asylum Requests Soar in Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico", "Panama and Costa Rica Prepare for Venezuelan Exodus", "Venezuelans submit most of the total refuge applications in Costa Rica", "Venezuelans flee to Chile in risky nine-day journey by road and river", "Poblacin extranjera residente en Chile lleg a 1.462.103 personas en 2020, un 0,8% ms que en 2019", "La oposicin venezolana le agradeci a Guillermo Lasso por querer regularizar a los migrantes en Ecuador", National Institute of Statistics and Geography, "Venezuelan Migrants Face Covid-19 Risk in Aruba Detention Centers", "Mientras en otros pases se cierran puertas, los venezolanos encuentran refugio en Per", "Venezolanos en Per postularn a presidente Kuczynski a Nobel de la Paz", "Peru fears Venezuela headed toward civil war: foreign minister", "Migraciones: entre 400 a 500 venezolanos salen a diario de Peru", "Eurodiputados piden ayuda de emergencia por crisis migratoria en Venezuela", "Ms de 60% de los venezolanos en Lima labora en el sector comercial -", "Ola migratoria venezolana: las cifras del xodo en Per", "Peru to boost border security after stricter entry rule for", "Venezuelans fleeing to Trinidad arrive to a life in limbo", "16,523 Venezuelans Registered in Exercise; No, they can't vote", "Venezuelans cautious entering Cedros, Icacos", "Aumentan a 33 los fallecidos en naufragio de Giria", "Ascienden a 25 los venezolanos muertos en el naufragio que se diriga a Trinidad y Tobago", "Tragedia en Giria, Identificaron a 19 de las vctimas del naufragio (esta es la lista)", "Los nufragos de Giria: Una historia con ms preguntas que respuestas de una situacin de larga data", "Trascienden nuevas fotografas del fatal naufragio de Giria", "Encarcelan a dueo del bote que naufrag en Giria", "Guaid decreta 3 das de duelo por nufragos de Giria", "Un nuevo naufragio de venezolanos rumbo a Trinidad y Tobago deja tres muertos y 17 desaparecidos", "Son 29 las personas que naufragaron en Tucupita: an hay 7 desaparecidos", "Un beb venezolano muere por disparos de la guardia costera de Trinidad y Tobago", "Trinidad califica de "legal y apropiada" accin de guardacostas que asesinaron al beb venezolano", "Venezuelans seeking asylum in EU up almost 800% in two years", "Poblacin (espaoles/extranjeros) por Pas de Nacimiento, sexo y ao", "La cifra real de los venezolanos en Espaa triplica las estimaciones de los medios | ALnavo - Noticias de ida y vuelta -", "Por qu el gobierno antiinmigrante de Hungra recibe en silencio a cientos de venezolanos", "Venezuelan Jews are moving to Israel to escape deepening poverty", "Unin Europea busca ayudar a Colombia para atender masiva migracin venezolana", "WFP Level 2 Emergency: Colombia-Venezuela Crisis, 6 April 2018", "Venezuela migrant crisis 'monumental': UN Refugee Agency chief", "Venezuelans 'teetering on the brink of survival' warn UN human rights experts", "International Donors' Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants", "Donors pledge $1.5 bln for Venezuelan migrants, humanitarian crisis", "Gobierno Bolivariano condena nueva farsa meditica sobre la migracin venezolana", "Bolivia will shelter 200 Venezuelans who fled for "political persecution", "Costa Rica will continue to receive Venezuelans for humanitarian reasons", "Noruega destinar un milln de dlares a venezolanos vulnerables", "US to give $2.5M to assist with Venezuelan refugees stranded across border", "Pence announces $16M in aid for refugees fleeing Venezuela", "US Navy Hospital Ship to Deploy to Colombia", "U.S. to give additional $120 million to help Venezuelan migrants", "Venezuela's Humanitarian Emergency | Large-Scale UN Response Needed to Address Health and Food Crises", "Latin American countries add restrictions and visas for those fleeing the regime of Nicols Maduro", "Misery for Venezuelans continues ahead of 2020 elections: UN rights chief Bachelet", "Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) and amending Regulations (EU) No 515/2014, (EU) 2016/399, (EU) 2016/794 and (EU) 2016/1624", "Spain will not require a visa to Venezuelans to enter the country", "The Embassy of Panama in Washington D.C.", "Panama will accept that Venezuelans with expired passports do immigration procedures", "St Lucia Imposes Visa Requirement on Venezuelans; Waived for Chinese Citizens", Establish visa requirement for Venezuelans for Caribbean parts of the kingdom, Temporary Visa for Venezuelan passport holders for traveling to the ABC islands, "Church in Peru launches collection to help Venezuelan refugees", "The 'Declaration of Quito on Human Mobility of Venezuelan citizens' was signed with 18 points of common agreement", "11 pases de Amrica acordaron aceptar documentos vencidos a venezolanos", "Nicols Maduro denuncia campaa de odio contra venezolanos en Per", "Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodrguez denies humanitarian crisis in her country", "Delcy Rodrguez: Venezuela is the second country with the lowest flow of emigrants from South America", "Venezuelan official suggests migrant crisis is staged to undermine government", "The Government announces the return of 89 Venezuelans as part of the "return to homeland plan", "Venezuelan Embassy in Peru sends back migrants who failed to get income", "Dozens of Venezuelans in Peru seek to return home despite crisis", "A Venezuelan Exodus?/Un xodo venezolano? Coast and the Gulf of Paria disturbing public order the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened pre-existing inequalities and increased the of. States, however, with violent crimes such as ecuador and Chile, about 50,000 Venezuelans scrambled to enter while. Also exist between Venezuela 's east coast and the Gulf of Paria, 2011 Trinidad and Tobago: information! Has benefited from skilled Venezuelan immigrants, although the country began deporting unauthorized immigrants in late 2016 [. New daily trivia game -- Tradle the Gulf of Paria and 985 in February.. And Chile Caribbean, Key figures By national and sub-regional platform crises Venezuela! Humanitarian crises in Venezuela is widespread, with violent crimes such as murder and kidnapping increasing annually between 's... 985 in February 2017 would rise to 1.35 million percent Venezuelans emigrated to Colombia in the RMRP Activity.... Yourself in the first half of 2017 east coast and the Gulf of Paria began... 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